Sunday, January 07, 2007


January 13, 2007: Bangalore Traffic Woes -- We need to be proactive - How
We are just habituated to complaining about bad governance all the time. While this has some truth associated with it, we cannot shy away from our social responsibility. Most of the times, the question in our mind is what the heck can a small person like me do.

Well I was thinking the same with respect to the irritating Bangalore traffic and the indisciplined drivers on the road. So here is the point. There are always two kinds of public. Disciplined and Indisciplined. One may be more than other. Doesnt matter. It will be the responsibility of the disciplined public to ensure that indiscipline does not get away easily in a civilised society. So I was thinking how can I play a role in making sure that these indisciplined motor bikers (many are software engineers by the way!! sigh) or bus drivers or auto drivers do not get away with their callousness. I came up with what I thought was a neat idea. So this morning I was googling to find out the address of Traffic Police department to give them this suggestion. But guess what.... They already have this scheme in place. Then I thought to myself "What the heck!! We already have this ? Then whats stopping us? "

I do not know whether the Traffic Department will act or not but why cant I, the socially responsible citizen of a civilized country take a little initiative ?

So here is the information to all we disciplined public, all we camera cellphone carrying citizens. Whenever you see someone is blatantly and confidently violating the traffic rule and the rule of the land, take a picture and send it to the traffic department.

And guess what... You can always activate Right To Information (RTI) to ensure a reply from Traffic Department on what they did with your complaint.

Come on my friends... Can we get a little proactive now?

January 7, 2007: Polio Vaccination Drive

I was roaming around by bus around Bangalore to get a feel of the bus travel. When I got down at Majestic Bus stand I saw lots of Polio Vaccination booths. It was really impressive to see many young people at the booths working hard to make sure that the parents with little little kids stop by the booth and get the polio vaccination for the babies. I got curious and talked with the volunteers. An energetic volunteer named Navin told me that they are the nursing students at M.S Ramaiah institute and they volunteer with the Corporation Hospitals for the polio vaccination drive.

Isn't this amazing?

Here are the photographs.

Sometime in the past...
Every good soul in us wants to do something good for the society. But most of us are confused about where to start. Most of us dont have trust in the NGOs which we think often waste time in doing totally useless and administrative rather than getting close to the people who need support.

Check out the organizations that I respect namely Association for India's Development (AID) and ASHA for Education.

Some of the links are really useful to boosting our energies to do something good. Dont sit back. Every small effort we put in as individuals is going to help a long way in building up a great society.
