Sunday, November 16, 2008

Perils of Street Advertising and Their Impact on Me

"Shaver Set Sir..."
"Imported Leather Purses..Imported Leather Purses..."

"Can I have a minute?...I am not a Sales Person Sir..."

This is what I face every day while walking up and down road between my house and office. And my response is similar :

"Sorry... I am in a rush..."

And everytime I tried to listen, it has been severely disappointing.

But it seems, that has made a negative impact on me finally. Or rather was about to make an impact that I always wanted it not to. About to because, I finally did not commit the grave mistake. The grave mistake of not helping a person who was genuinely looking for help.

This morning while I was walking to my office, I was approached by a person carrying a similar file that those representatives carry. I thought to my myself "Damn they are starting so early huh." Because it was really early in the morning at 7:30 a.m. And in my typical response, I said " Sorry I am in rush." Was I in rush? Absolutely no. But that is my only way to avoid hearing the crap.

And after I said I am in rush, he did not try to pursue and started walking away. And to my horror I realized that he was not someone advertising. He was merely looking for direction. I sincerely apologized to him and gave him the directions. After giving the direction, I again apologized to him for the my mistake.

I kinda goofed. But I was also happy that this event reminded me of my own commitment that I will deal every event on a case by case basis and not generalize and not act on a general perception ever.

I was happy that I did not commit the mistake. Otherwise I would have felt really upset.

Moral : Do not generalize ever. Always listen before making a decision.


Anonymous said...


That was really cool!!!

Nice to know that u didn't committed that mistake.

Its so usual. Even I feel sorry a lot of times when I ignore or yell at people.

Hope to adopt the attitude of not generalizing.

Thanks for a wonderful note.


pushki said...

lovely post sastry. I agree with you, in the heap of nonsense we do miss out some genuine things, never generalise.