Sunday, October 11, 2009

Boating in the Ulsoor Lake

Today, the sunday was kinda interesting. In the afternoon, after lunch, we felt like we will do a little boating. How romantic :-) So we went to the Ulsoor lake to try the boating in the legacy lake of Bengaluru. Three options were available. The motor boat for 8-12 people was costing Rs. 20 per head while the couple's manual pedal boat was Rs. 80 without rooftop and Rs. 100 per head with rooftop.

From the moment we sat in the boat, all that was in mind was when will I get out. My wife complained that I spoiled the fun with my complaining, but I couldnt help it. :-)

The water was just so dirty that you cannot imagine until you actually go and sit in the boat. Oh my god. At some point, I was almost on the verge on puking. It is so green and viscous that I felt some diesel has gotten mixed with the water.

Once again, it reinforces my belief that we are just so good at screwing up our nice beautiful natural resources.

Another complaint session. Its fun complaining . Its in my nerves and the things around me get on my nerves.

You have to really take a boat ride to have a first hand experience how dirty the water there is.

1 comment:

ಭಾಶೇ said...

Thanks for awaring.

My plan.. cancelled till I hear some good thing about it.

I feel bad about spoilt weeknd which would have been soo romantic otherwise. ;-)
