Friday, August 03, 2012

Team Anna Contemplating Political Party ?

When I read that news, I immediately realized that many people very expectedly were anguished at the thought. It was like "Oh my god politics? These guys are dirty".  But to me, this was a beautiful beautiful music. I was just waiting for such news to come since the day the agitation began. This news will definitely send some jitters in the minds of the rogues of the Indian Politics. It has already started becoming evident.

Earlier the jokers in Congress used to comment that Anna Team should join the politics and fight if they have the guts. And after this news, a leader in Congress said "Their political inspirations are out in the open and we always knew it". Duh ?  Stop being perennial jokers guys. What do you want ? Are you happy about Team Anna's intention to join politics or are you not happy ? Let me guess. You are freaking nervous. So nervous that you have frozen and are not even able to enter into any kind of negotiations with them.

This was the first time in ages since the whole of India threw its support and weight behind India against Corruption and Team Anna. These movements always are dependent on mass support. The masses for whom they are fighting. The masses for whom they have taken the pains. This was not the time to judge the honesty and sincerity. Any movement is bound to be plagued by slanders, controversies and mud slingings. But the successful campaigns are those who stand the test of  the tough moments. And I think in a rare pleasant situation, the whole of India succeeded in holding the non violent campaign of Team Anna. Team Anna was just a face that the whole of India needed to express their displeasure and disgust with the establishment.

We should all be proud that the Team Anna campaign has even started contemplating entering the politics and fight against corruption by entering the arena. We should not only support this initiative but should also try to do whatever make the political entry of Team Anna successful. With people's support this political campaign will definitely maintain its cleanliness and will stand bravely against the money and muscle power. No money and muscle power can eventually succeed against an entity that is supported by people's will and power.

But there will be several questions that will linger in our minds :
Will this party be successful ?Or will it fade away ?
How can it gain critical mass to be even able to make changes ?
How can it put up a fight against the parties dominated with criminals ?
How will it have the financial backing to support itself ?
How can it ensure that it gets the right passionate people ?
How can it ensure it stays true to its principles?

And there will be several questions on its feasibility ? And there will be several detractors as well who will never be optimistic about a change. But it is not the time of the detractors. It is the time of the optimists who have believed that their small efforts can make a difference. And hence we need to support every effort by Team Anna in the political formation and fielding the candidates we want. We have to form a grassroots support base that will be behind this political formation by Team Anna so that they can travel to every nook and corner of the country and educate the masses of their rights and how they intend to bring about the changes in the country.

It is not going to be easy. But so was not the fast by Anna Hazare when it started. When it started it was just like any other fast and it would have stayed like any other fast had it not appealed to the masses and not raised a sliver of hope for a better tomorrow in the minds. Team Anna is also a group of simple human beings just like you and me and thats why our help and our support will be needed more than ever.
We should not get distracted by the intricate nuances but should rather have our eyes fixes on our goal : The end to corruption and hope for a better clean tomorrow.

I am having a very positive hunch that many honest and passionate people who have been selflessly working in the grassroots and were worried about entering the political stream because of no hope (due to lack of money or muscle influence) will now be encouraged to join this new political formation by Team Anna if they can sense an assurance that the political formation by Team Anna has the backing of the same masses who backed them in their initial crusade against corruption.

With our solid support to a new political party and with a hope that we can have one more choice beyond the corrupt and hopeless current mainstream and regional party options, the mainstream parties will definitely have jitters in their stomachs in the coming future although they wont accept it and will definitely try to undermine and destroy this crusade just like they have unsuccessfully tried in the past by undermining the crusade against corruption.

And as I mentioned in a blog sometime back, we have no other way but to be optimistic and support this initiative in all possible ways.

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