Friday, October 11, 2013

Support Aam Aadmi Party :: Support the Revolution against corruption

Dear Friends,

I hope the following note conveys my thoughts through to you.

Throughout our lives we have wondered why is there so much corruption in India ? Why did we have to pay bribes to get work done ? Why dont the government offices just do the work without any hassles ? Why do we have to pay to get a driver's license? Why do we have to pay to get a gas connection ? Why are there so many scams? The questions are endless. And after a while we just accepted the reality as an unchangeable truth and moved on. Because, we felt there is nothing we can do about it since we are powerless as individuals. We just told ourselves that this is how things are and there is nothing that can be done.

Over the last several years, lots of good and bad things have happened in India. Let me first highlight on the bad things. The number of scams and corruption cases have really shocked the nation. Thousands of crores of rupees have been stolen in the form of 2G scam, coalgate, commonwealth games and so on. Investigations keep happening but nothing comes out.
Safety of women has taken a deep dent. What has really frustrated the people of India is that justice has been unusually delayed to such an extent that the culprits pretty much go unpunished. On one side is a population who struggles to have two square meals a day and on the other side is this huge amounts of money siphoned off from the government exchequer. No wonder then that crores of rupees have been allotted to infrastructure yet we see no roads without potholes, we see no drains working properly during rains and no area with proper garbage disposal. These are just a few instances. The actual list is really long to jot down here.

The underlying root cause has been that the political class has really taken the people for granted and the people have let them do that. And hence the saga has continued for decades. They pass laws as per their convenience and the people have just lived with it.

Now, comes the good part. Over the last few years, the citizenry has really woken up with a desire to do something about the sad state of affairs. This might be because there is ultimately a limit to tolerance. They really want to do something about it and have started looking for avenues to channelize their energy to correct the corrupt system. That is why when Anna Hazare started his Jan Lokpal andolan, people found their voice there was a massive support throughout the country, something, the political class never expected and were completely taken by surprise. Thats when they challenged Anna's group to join politics if they dared. But Anna was not very willing and wanted to pressurize the government from outside.

But, Arvind Kejriwal, one of the architects of the Jan Lokpal movement and a core member of Anna's group wanted to take up that challenge. They realized that if something has to be done about corruption, they have to enter politics. Usually getting into politics has been seen with suspicion by the people of India in recent times. This was expected knowing the political class and the corruption cases against many of the leaders. But when Arvind Kejriwal decided that he will take on the political class politically by forming the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), he demonstrated that he will take the bulls by the horn. What happened next was pleasantly surprising. Instead of suspicion, there was a massive outpouring of support to AAP from not only Indians residing in India, but from Indians all over of the world.

AAP has decided that they will start by contesting upcoming elections in Delhi and then spread out to all over India. Delhi elections are going to be held in November 2013 that is, next month.

AAP needs funds but only clean funds and they ensured that each and every detail will be maintained on their website. They have recently crossed Rs. 12 crores. The individual donation amounts ranged from Re. 1 to Re. 1 crore. That shows how much people are willing to stand behind AAP and Arvind Kejriwal in their struggle, passion and dream to build a society free of corruption, a society with accountability and justice, a society with a bright future for the next generations and a society that every Indian will be truly proud of. 

But the task is daunting for a new party like AAP. It doesnt have money power. It doesnt have muscle power. Neither does it depend on these. What it believes in and has is honesty, credibility and passion to achieve the dream. And it heavily depends on grassroots support. It depends truly on Aam Aadmi, the common man. And aam aadmi has strongly come out in support of AAP.

It is our responsibility to lend our support whenever there is a hope for a change for the better. And we can lend our support in several ways. No action is smaller than the other. If we are in Delhi, we can volunteer on the ground. If we are outside, we can publicize the message. If we are financially stable, we can lend our financial support.

Why do I support AAP? To list a few :
1. I as an Indian believe that we are tired of same parties ruling and increasing corruption in all the regimes.
2. AAP is the only party that supported all parties to come under the purview of RTI.
3. AAP is the only party that supported Supreme Court verdict on disqualification of convicted criminal MPs
4. AAP is the only party pushing for Jan Lokpal to prevent corruption
5. AAP supported making Central Beaureau of Investigation (CBI) autonomous
6. AAP supported Right to Reject and Right to Recall which all parties opposed.

So, please lend your support in the way you think is best. Please donate for this once in a moment revolution for a better India.

I hope you are also feeling very optimistic like me and several other Indians throughout the world about this grassroots movement towards achieving the dream of a proud India and a proud Indian.

Please feel free to forward it to your friends.

Thank You for your time,

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