Monday, July 08, 2013

For Hope and for Change : I support AAM Aadmi Party

Very rarely do such moments happen. Very rarely have I seen in my life till now. A moment when a strong challenge is posed to the status quo prevailing in my country. Until then we keep complaining, whining and sulking about everything that is wrong in the country that we grew up in. We complain about the corruption. We complain about the lack of infrastructure. We complain about the traffic. We complain about the pollution. We complain about lack of cleanliness. We complain about the lack of safety. We complain about the crime. We complain about the lack of justice. We complain about the powerful getting away with impunity.

We complain because that is the truth. Because at the bottom of our hearts we are deeply anguished at the state of affairs. But we also realize that we do not even feel empowered to do anything about it. We feel we are too insignificant to do anything about the rot prevailing. And that anguish tranforms to surrender and we do surrender to the reality of satus quo. We wish someone else comes forward and does something. Because not all of us do. That is ok because not everyone of us need to. All will be fine if we just did our work well and honestly. May be this is a justification I am giving to myself. May be this is a justification we all are giving to ourselves. And we don't see anything positive in near sight.

Thats when something unbelievable happens. Someone really comes forward and tells us that he will fight it out. He gives us a hope for change. He tells us that he will work towards correcting all that we have been complaining about. He also tells us that it is difficult but possible. And suddenly now we are again confused. Again we are now confronted in our minds with thousand questions. Who is this guy again ? Is he in his senses? Is this really possible ? Is it too good to be true ? Is it some Utopian non sense? And we start doubting him. We start scrutinizing his every movement.

Let me now take this moment to come back into reality from my dramatization of the situation in my country. I am talking about the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP). I have not seen in my lifetime till now an alternative challenge given to the status quo in the magnitude given by Aam Aadmi Party.  And thats the change I am looking forward to.

When a challenge is given to status quo, we have no option but to be optimistic. Pessimism will not get us anywhere and it will be like a ship stuck at the shore. Only when we go into the ocean will we realize whether we will sink or will ride on the waves.

Will the Aam Aadmi Party become corrupt in future ?  Who knows ? May be it will. That doesn't stop it from forming today and work towards corruption free and safe India. May be it will form enough checks in place for it to stay incorruptible. Thats my optimism. We must believe and we must be optimistic towards change. For our own sake. We have no other option.

We have seen years and years of behemoths like Congress and BJP forming Governments. What have we achieved ? Have we reduced ourselves so much that we are proud of even miniscule achievements? We only need to compare with some of the developed countries on all these parameters. These days, the government takes forever to finish a project and  we are still very proud. Isnt it a time to introspect ? 

Right then, an alternative political formation is formed on the principles of level playing field and I am very optimistic. Because I do not have any alternative. I cannot afford to be pessimistic. I am optimistic about the people leading that front. I am optimistic about their grassroots experience. I am optimistic about their feelings towards the value of life, rich and poor. I am optimistic about their judgement. I am hopeful about the change they would work towards bringing.

But it is in our hands to make AAP successful. They are being honest. They are being transparent. They are heavily dependent on us, the common man for our support. We can donate our thoughts. We can donate our time. We can donate our ideas. We can donate our suggestions. And finally, we can donate our money. They are ensuring that all the donations they raise will be transaparent.

There are so many ways to contribute to the change. There are so many ways to contribute towards this hope. And this is our decision on what we can do to bring in the change.

I am definitely going to donate my time, my money for promoting this change called AAP without worrying and getting too much stuck into all things that can go wrong. For now, its all about optimism and hope.

To donate :

I wish all of us donate. A billion people donating a rupee with trust for hope and change makes a huge difference and a huge investment into the future of our country.

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