Monday, November 26, 2007

All Men of India should be Ashamed

I am ashamed. I am disgusted. I can feel the stink in the rotting principles of the society. And this rot is right in the center of the IT super revolution and this rot is fast spreading.

Every male of this country should be ashamed. The educated, the richest, the powerful, the skilled, the leaders , everyone.

For we do not deserve to have any pride after the unnerving incident in Guwahati. Stripping a woman and beating her up as a mark of punishment seems to be becoming a regular activity. And we watch. The perpetrators are not punished.

Is this the 21st century India? I am afraid not. It is uncivilized society. We attribute uncivilized behavior to lack of education. But what happens when educated people do such kinds of acts? It is a disastrous sign.

If there is any shame left in the people ruling this country, they will ensure that some trust in community is restored. They will ensure that justice is delivered in the form of exemplary punishment.

The community where it becomes a habitual activity to strip a woman to teach her a lesson is bound to be doomed unless corrections are made and made fast. The social fabric of this country is in danger.

I wonder if we have been this animalistic always.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Calcutta Volcano

A strong thought provoking article by M.J.Akbar on the recent riots in Calcutta

Calcutta Volcano

IITs Boycott Dow Chemicals

Here is an article in IBN live.

IITs boycott Dow

Happy and relieved to see students increasingly analyzing ethical credentials of companies.

Beasts in us

I think we have become beasts. Did you see the videos of Guwahati violence? Oh yes. That is one thing in India TV channels. They keep on showing the same scene so much that you start feeling disgusted. That is exactly what Headlines Today was doing.

Anyway, rather than focussing on Headlines Today, the point I want to make is, in my opinion, death has become a casual matter of fact activity. A small procession starts, it turns violent, then people start fighting and then there come the figures. 20 dead, 150 seriously injured with gashes in the head. That is how precious human life. We switch the channel as a matter of fact. And what did we expect the police to do? Correct answer. Nothing.

Health minister says oh there was a minor incident, injured have been moved to the hospital and all is fine. Ha ha.... And what do you see on TV? One person being beaten black and blue with a thick log of wood on the back, head and everywhere until he collapses.

Tarun Gogoi says, the incident is unfortunate and the situation is perfectly under control. And as he speaks, you again see on the TV channel, the police begging the people not to beat others. How depressing.

and you call, this is the land of Buddha. This is the land of Gandhi.

We unanimously call ourselves a civic society.

I wonder if ours is also the society of mindless violence propagators where the supreme value of human blood and dignity is on its way to be completely forgotten.

And the goverment forgets it. The administration forgets it. The police forget it. And we forget it. Lets just forget everything.

Our Culture is Great

While I love reading history, I always hated it in curriculum while growing up. History was unavoidable subject in primary and high schools. I always felt that it was introduced in curriculum not to invoke interest but as one more done. Its like, just have it because we have to have it.

Anyways, while I hated the subject when in school either because of poor teaching, or the way we had to cram to get high scores or just the lack of analysis in it.

Increasingly these days, the question that is intriguing me is , whether it taught me right things. One thing I am going to focus on is the fact that I had been taught that is, India had a great culture. We were always welcoming and open hearted to our guests.

Focus changed to India 2007. Looking at India 2007, I start wondering , were we really cultured? If we were, where and when did our culture get eroded. If India was indeed rich in culture and kindness, that generation would be so ashamed to see the current generation.

The treatment being meted out to Taslima Nasreen puts me to shame. I am not ashamed about the countrymen. Because I have a strong conviction and hope that if we consider the whole country, then the number of people welcoming her will far outnumber the people protesting her presence. And yet, these small number of people with their violent protests are holding the society to ransom. And the Government looks on because they dont wanna loose votes. It has been quite a drama over the last few days.

It really can be enacted very nicely.
First, the violent protests erupt. That is quite easy these days. A bunch of people with bottles, sticks, knives can easily scare the innocents off.

The government immediately buckles and sends Taslima off to Rajasthan. Lets not bring police into picture by the way. I wonder if these are the days when they command the least respect ever.

Then in Rajasthan, some bunch of fanatics again protest and they shift her to Delhi.

And today, I am depressingly surprised to see the Centre jittery on hosting her.

Oh my god. We have the advanced weaponry and nuclear strength to annihilate our neighbors (that is what our sentiment these days isnt it?) but we cannot command a discipline in our people. And it is this lawlessness that is reflected in every individual's flouting the rules day in and day out.

And they say, India is going to be the super power in 2020.

And I sadly think about the hallucinations affecting all of us.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Confidence and Arrogance

Are these synonymous? Yet some times we confuse them to be same? In fact arrogance I feel breeds out of insecurity. And insecurity breeds out of lack of confidence. So it implies arrogance and confidence should be antonymous. Yeah I am not sure if that word exists in dictionary. You got it right?

Let me see what I perceive as confidence for myself. I am confident means:
  • I believe in myself above all.
  • I believe there are others from whom I can learn
  • I believe in interdependence.
  • I am humble to respect others' thoughts and beliefs
  • I believe life is beautiful
  • I believe for every problem there is a solution
  • I believe in empowering others
  • I believe I am the best but I want everyone to be excellent

When confidence and arrogance get muddled, it means :
  • I am worried about someone pushing me
  • I am worried about the world not doing justice to me
  • I believe in belittling others or trying to show my supremacy
  • Empowering others? You must be kidding
  • I believe I am the only best. Others go to hell.

As usual, the above are random ramblings straight from the heart though. :-) Thoughts? Add comments.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Plagiarism in Indian Film Music

Oops!! Did I say plagiarism in the title? I guess so... Let me rephrase it as inspiration.

Our music directors are really awesome you know. They are inspired all the time, every time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. They cannot exist without getting inspired.

Alright set the pun aside. Here is some stinking reality check. Thanks to my brother in law, I came across this site. And hats off to the person maintaining it. I admire his research :-)

Now check this out :

Indian Film Songs and their Original Versions

On the right side, you will see the music directors. Click on them to find out about their inspirations.

Thankfully, my favorite music director has not copied stuff. Though some of the initial beats etc. might hold resemblance but he is absolutely original. And that is what makes dear A.R. Rahman apart.

If you look at the deeds of folks like Anu Malik and Pritham Chakravarthy, you will realize how low they have gone. Thankfully they are not in USA or Europe. Otherwise, by now, they would have been sued enough to have lost their fortunes. It is disgusting... In gentle terms.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Drive to Bangalore International Airport

Boy this must be fun :-) Ofcourse sarcasm intended. Here is the latest Times of India article on how the travel to BIAL (Bangalore International Airport Limited) is going to be.

A Tedious Drive to New Airport : TOI Article

This is going to be so painful. I am imagining that the highway is going to be blocked now 24 hours a day.

I am trying to understand how people in charge can be so stupidly in hurry to open an airport without proper access. I think I will understand it sometime soon. In a previous article it was mentioned that some access like peripheral road, metro etc. will take atleast 4 -5years to come. 4-5 years?

By the way, there was also this idea that you can take a flight from the current airport (which will be obsolete for domestic /international flights once the new one comes up) to new airport for Rs. 1500. How ridiculous can that be?