Sunday, November 11, 2007

Plagiarism in Indian Film Music

Oops!! Did I say plagiarism in the title? I guess so... Let me rephrase it as inspiration.

Our music directors are really awesome you know. They are inspired all the time, every time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. They cannot exist without getting inspired.

Alright set the pun aside. Here is some stinking reality check. Thanks to my brother in law, I came across this site. And hats off to the person maintaining it. I admire his research :-)

Now check this out :

Indian Film Songs and their Original Versions

On the right side, you will see the music directors. Click on them to find out about their inspirations.

Thankfully, my favorite music director has not copied stuff. Though some of the initial beats etc. might hold resemblance but he is absolutely original. And that is what makes dear A.R. Rahman apart.

If you look at the deeds of folks like Anu Malik and Pritham Chakravarthy, you will realize how low they have gone. Thankfully they are not in USA or Europe. Otherwise, by now, they would have been sued enough to have lost their fortunes. It is disgusting... In gentle terms.

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