Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Bangalore RTI software
Suicide Stopper :: Is he less than God for some?
Monday, May 28, 2007
Another of those Ridiculous articles
Read this...
India's Economy to Dethrone Japan
I think it is high time we should get a life, stop day dreaming, stop living through artists' impressions of an impeccable India and rather work silently towards it without making noises.
Everyday I open Times Of India, I see artist's impression on how beautiful Bangalore is gonna look like or Pune gonna look like. Let us take a step back, work on it, achieve it and then show the actual picture. Because, as has been the situation in many cases, most probably this artist impression may also get struck down.
And what is this superpower thing? With complete lack of civic sense what superpower thing we are talking about? Sending a missile or a mission to moon is going to qualify a nation to superpower status? What an utter non-sense. Suddenly someone comes to this "superpower" nation and sees people urinating all over the place, spitting all over the place, pushing around all over the place and we call it a superpower? In order to be superpower one needs to be civilized and socially responsible. I feel a frustrating breakdown in that machinery. And unfortunately many many educated engineers, doctors etc. are also involved in it. The climax of pushing with utter disrespect for people around can be easily seen on the roads. And this disrecpect is not just in Bangalore. It is everywhere in India I have been to, though a few places.
I think now it has started getting on my nerves when some mediocrities keep on ranting this Bhajan of India becoming superpower by 2010, 2020, 2030. First get your basic acts straight. And the first is social responsibility and civic sense. Cant blame government all the time. Do your job well first.
So it is a long way till India is going to be this "superpower" thing and before that we have some tough job at hand and our success will be benchmarked on the basis of
- how proud one is about his fellow neighbor (not some blind chauvinistic nationalism)
- how much one feels the community around him/her as his/her home so as to keep it clean just as one keeps his/her home
- how much drive is to create world class stuff
- and the list goes on...
- And here comes these flaky missiles and moon missions
Mango : The product of India.
I learnt it at
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Street Children Working with Dignity
Seven Habits of Highly Successful People
Management is doing the things right. Leadership is doing right things.
There are so many moments in our life when we face this issue of leadership. The courage to take bold jumps, risks, initiatives that we are passionate about but get stuck, scared about doing so. In a life that comes once why do we shy away from doing the right things?
Buy and read this book if you can. Its pretty cool.
No I do not work in their marketing. :-)
Whistling Woods
Check it out :
In the related context, here is Satyajit Ray Film Institute :
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Mathematics and Physics
American Institute of Physics
American Mathematical Society
Explore these if you have that hunger for maths and physics.
Motivation Brother Motivation - Aaaahhhhhhh!!
What causes lack of motivation?
Is it lack of interest? --> Meaning I dont want to do this.
Is it lack of value? --> Meaning how the heck what I do is gonna change the world
Is it monotony? --> Meaning same shit everyday
Well these bouts came, saw and faded. I guess to see these cycles is human and not see these is super-human. And I am trying my level best to be super human :-) But alas cant yet.
Anyways, did some googling and found an interesting page :
Well very verbose. But nevertheless some neat suggestions.
I think one solution is to do variety of things like music, sports etc.
Or may be the perpetual desire to do complex things or be excellent.... Sometimes it sparks you. Sometimes it starves you too.... Mentally ofcourse...
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Interested in Math Puzzles?
I hope you will enjoy this.
Memories of a Father
Memories of a Father
A true story written by no other than a father who loses his son to police torture in Kerala.
Here is a touching snippet :
"This small book contributes far more to the literature on human rights than the tons of academic writings that unfortunately crowd our libraries. Most of those books are produced in countries quite unlike India, where this story is set. As such, they are relevant to countries where police officers generally observe discipline, where most criminal investigations are competently managed, where the judiciary as a whole is uncorrupted, and where politicians are not publicly perceived as sheer frauds.
From the tears of a father’s pen, Professor Eachara Varier tells of another reality. His son’s disappearance draws from him this eloquent, moving and remarkable statement on cruelty, courage, and enduring hope. His story is from India, but it is the story of millions throughout Asia, and in many other parts of the world."
“Please give this to our son Rajan. I trust only you.”
She didn’t utter a word after that. Cold death had already touched her.
The next day after her death, I had a nap on the couch. The
weight of that packet of coins, which she entrusted to me,
was still in my hands.
"I came to know that Rajan yielded himself silently to the torture. I have read about people being called to their deaths in Nazi camps. As an officer called out names, others were queuing up, waiting for their turn. They even took care not to call a husband and wife together into death; Hitler knew that the pain of separation and getting lost was more intense than death."
Thursday, May 17, 2007
May 18, 2007 : Patenting Yoga
Some similar absurd patents that I heard were :
- Attempts to patent Neem and Turmeric. It is like I rewrite e=mc2 as e'=m'*c'*c' and trying to patent it as my own. I am sure Einstein will kill me. :-)
- Attempt to patent some Indian curry (palak paneer?) in Japan
I think we need to mature. Patenting should be for one's own basic innovation. Otherwise, even Anu Malik should start patenting the songs that he copies.
By the way, I am planning to invent a new word and patent it. The new word is
:-) Adios for today.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
May 15, 2007 : Urinating Everywhere
It is clear from the spitting and urinating habits that individuals do not give a crap about community building in India. And it is becoming increasingly difficult for the few who is. I used to think that these uncivilised habits correlate with education. But I am convinced that the education we are getting doesnt teach an iota of civic sense. This was proved when a well dressed guy one day got down from his Hyundai Santro and before I could realize he started urinating on the roadside. Sigh!! It is highly probable that this person might have been a respectable software engineer in a respectable company. I wonder if he urinates on his company walls.
I am confused if it is (1) a habit or is it really due to (2) inadequate sanitation facilities? I think it is both. But fortunately the former can be corrected by education, fines, community policing etc. but inorder for the first one to be effective, the second one needs to be implemented. But the item (2) cannot be implemented in an overnight. But in the interim, I think there can be a good solution.
Some ideas I have in mind are :
A.) Government should immediately ban urinating in public.
But action (A) will be mindless and stupid if alternative solution is not provided. The Government should immediately
(B.) make it mandatory for any shops, restaurants, hotels etc. to let an individual use the toilet in its premises without becoming a customer.
If you count the toilets in the offices, restaurants, hotels etc. there are enough of toilets. A few outsiders using them is not going to damage them. Or is it?
I am planning to send this suggestion to our dear lawmakers.
What do you think of my thought? Do you agree? Do you think it is impractical? Do you think it is stupid?
You can be honest :-)
Sunday, May 13, 2007
May 14, 2007 : Blogging --- Writing with Anonymity
Anyways coming back to the issue of anonymity, one advantage of anonymity may be the fact that one may want to put up everything about their life, character, fantasies and so on which might otherwise be difficult in a society like ours. But I am sure every individual might have such thoughts, visions, dreams, fantasies and so on which sometimes they feel may reflect upon them.
So what the heck... I feel a fully mature society is one in which there is no need for anonymity. One in which every individual is brave to express their thoughts without demeaning community, caste etc. etc.
End of my rant....
May 13, 2007 -- Visit to Bull Temple
I feel there can so much be done to increase the tourist attraction of this place.

Thursday, May 10, 2007
May 11 - 2007 - Writing Fantasy
When blogging concept came, it definitely sparked that little flame.
But writing is a very challenging thing. Atleast I feel so. Its like many other interests that are like the fire with woods. Very bright and strong in the beginning and gradually it tends to fade. This happens to me so often. I feel like writing for a couple of days and then the flame fades. It needs oil all the time to keep it burning bright.
So I face this challenge to maintain the strength, the skill and the interest to write something.
I saw this movie "Freedom Writers" a few days back and there you go. I have received the oil to my fading flame to write again.
So, whenever you feel like you are losing interest to write, find some oil in some mode that will rejuvenate the flame inside you, the writer, the poet, the joker inside you.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
May 10, 2007 : Aviation Woes - Is this not RACISM?
OK here I begin my narration. For this trip, I got to travel by Lufthansa. It was Bangalore-Frankfurt-Denver-Austin onward and New York-Frankfurt-Bangalore return.
Lufthansa is just not good. Their entertainment is so frustrating. You listen to same audio for 8 hours journey. Video entertainment is through some remote monitors that look like ancient age computer screens (remember 13 inch screens?). Food is mediocre.
Alright, the above was the usual rant. Now comes the sensitive part. I personally think they treat the passengers of the last leg (while returning to India) as shit. They simply do not have respect for passengers. Does it have to do with the fact that many are Indians? Well we have to honestly ask this question and see what is the answer? Does "Victim of Racism" lie somewhere hidden in the answer ?
And in the case of my journey that I am talking about, what makes it more shameful is the fact that you get such behavior from a fellow India air hostess. Yeah thats true. I see a stink of slavery and lack of self respect here. When the self respect lack, how can you respect your fellow citizens? This happens in every phase of our life in India. Go to USA and you will see special treatment for US citizens. Go to Europe and you will see special treatment for EU nationals. You come to India and you will realize that you are treated worse than visitors. So there you are. Screwed from both sides. The only solution to this is self respect and pride. Are we trying to gain our self respect by trying to prove to others ? Here is a real experience on board Lufthansa. They claim themselves to be international flight. And here this is this flight attendant (Indian by the way) who tries to create her own nomenclature. Everywhere "Vegetarian Meal" and Asian Vegetarian Meal (AVML) mean two different things. While own our way to India, suddenly this air hostess thinks both are same. She asks us "Vegetarian" or "Non-vegetarian", we say, we want AVML. Immediately she makes a face displaying obvious displeasure and says "It is all same since we are going to India". Wow. Is it soo obvious? Are there no non-Indian travellers? Then after 2 mins she tries to explain to me. Well, it has already created an impression on my mind about the low quality and lack of professionalism of this individual which in turn reflects poorly on Lufthansa.
I understand that every individual has his/her own perceptions of treatment they expect or they deserve.
But I definitely feel that Indians are treated with utter disrespect when they deserve much more. Ironically, I heard from my friends that even AIR India treats the predominantly Indian passengers poorly. Though I must say I have not travelled by Air India and dont intend either because of these feedbacks from friends. This kind of behavior towards Indians is unacceptable. But well we have to grab it and not beg for it.
I am going to first contact Lufthansa on this and send to all my friends dissuading them from flying by Lufthansa.
I hope every individual who felt they deserved better treatment does not let go of it. I have observed in India that we are patient about things that we should not be and are impatient about trivial things many a times.
This attitude needs to change.