Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Memories of a Father

I somehow stumbled upon this on web and kept on reading. Leaves you touched and voiceless.

Memories of a Father

A true story written by no other than a father who loses his son to police torture in Kerala.

Here is a touching snippet :

"This small book contributes far more to the literature on human rights than the tons of academic writings that unfortunately crowd our libraries. Most of those books are produced in countries quite unlike India, where this story is set. As such, they are relevant to countries where police officers generally observe discipline, where most criminal investigations are competently managed, where the judiciary as a whole is uncorrupted, and where politicians are not publicly perceived as sheer frauds.

From the tears of a father’s pen, Professor Eachara Varier tells of another reality. His son’s disappearance draws from him this eloquent, moving and remarkable statement on cruelty, courage, and enduring hope. His story is from India, but it is the story of millions throughout Asia, and in many other parts of the world."


“Please give this to our son Rajan. I trust only you.”

She didn’t utter a word after that. Cold death had already touched her.

The next day after her death, I had a nap on the couch. The

weight of that packet of coins, which she entrusted to me,

was still in my hands.


"I came to know that Rajan yielded himself silently to the torture. I have read about people being called to their deaths in Nazi camps. As an officer called out names, others were queuing up, waiting for their turn. They even took care not to call a husband and wife together into death; Hitler knew that the pain of separation and getting lost was more intense than death."

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