Thursday, May 10, 2007

May 11 - 2007 - Writing Fantasy

Blogging is a very interesting concept you know. The spread of blogging, the way it has received positive response tells us something about a small spark in every heart. This spark is about the desire to write something. Some people have small dreams to write something about their daily life, about theirs successes, their failurers while some others dream of writing books, novels and so on. Overall every loves to write. Everyone loves to write something about themselves, society, country, junk, jokes whatever it is.

When blogging concept came, it definitely sparked that little flame.

But writing is a very challenging thing. Atleast I feel so. Its like many other interests that are like the fire with woods. Very bright and strong in the beginning and gradually it tends to fade. This happens to me so often. I feel like writing for a couple of days and then the flame fades. It needs oil all the time to keep it burning bright.

So I face this challenge to maintain the strength, the skill and the interest to write something.

I saw this movie "Freedom Writers" a few days back and there you go. I have received the oil to my fading flame to write again.

So, whenever you feel like you are losing interest to write, find some oil in some mode that will rejuvenate the flame inside you, the writer, the poet, the joker inside you.

Firefox Flicks!

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