Monday, November 26, 2007

All Men of India should be Ashamed

I am ashamed. I am disgusted. I can feel the stink in the rotting principles of the society. And this rot is right in the center of the IT super revolution and this rot is fast spreading.

Every male of this country should be ashamed. The educated, the richest, the powerful, the skilled, the leaders , everyone.

For we do not deserve to have any pride after the unnerving incident in Guwahati. Stripping a woman and beating her up as a mark of punishment seems to be becoming a regular activity. And we watch. The perpetrators are not punished.

Is this the 21st century India? I am afraid not. It is uncivilized society. We attribute uncivilized behavior to lack of education. But what happens when educated people do such kinds of acts? It is a disastrous sign.

If there is any shame left in the people ruling this country, they will ensure that some trust in community is restored. They will ensure that justice is delivered in the form of exemplary punishment.

The community where it becomes a habitual activity to strip a woman to teach her a lesson is bound to be doomed unless corrections are made and made fast. The social fabric of this country is in danger.

I wonder if we have been this animalistic always.


gourshyam said...

Sastry ji, don't be so sensitive. Our outbursts don't serve any purpose.
But we can surely do something positive to stop unhappy incidents in a troubled world.

SASTRY said...

Well !! thats what the blogs are for arent they? A place you speak what your heart speaks without being so conscious about putting up a face of pragmatism.

I guess these events are happening because we have lost our sentivities?