Monday, May 28, 2007

Another of those Ridiculous articles

Aww... Grrr... These are the feelings that come to my mind when I read these stupid mindless articles coming out.

Read this...

India's Economy to Dethrone Japan

I think it is high time we should get a life, stop day dreaming, stop living through artists' impressions of an impeccable India and rather work silently towards it without making noises.

Everyday I open Times Of India, I see artist's impression on how beautiful Bangalore is gonna look like or Pune gonna look like. Let us take a step back, work on it, achieve it and then show the actual picture. Because, as has been the situation in many cases, most probably this artist impression may also get struck down.

And what is this superpower thing? With complete lack of civic sense what superpower thing we are talking about? Sending a missile or a mission to moon is going to qualify a nation to superpower status? What an utter non-sense. Suddenly someone comes to this "superpower" nation and sees people urinating all over the place, spitting all over the place, pushing around all over the place and we call it a superpower? In order to be superpower one needs to be civilized and socially responsible. I feel a frustrating breakdown in that machinery. And unfortunately many many educated engineers, doctors etc. are also involved in it. The climax of pushing with utter disrespect for people around can be easily seen on the roads. And this disrecpect is not just in Bangalore. It is everywhere in India I have been to, though a few places.

I think now it has started getting on my nerves when some mediocrities keep on ranting this Bhajan of India becoming superpower by 2010, 2020, 2030. First get your basic acts straight. And the first is social responsibility and civic sense. Cant blame government all the time. Do your job well first.

So it is a long way till India is going to be this "superpower" thing and before that we have some tough job at hand and our success will be benchmarked on the basis of

  • how proud one is about his fellow neighbor (not some blind chauvinistic nationalism)
  • how much one feels the community around him/her as his/her home so as to keep it clean just as one keeps his/her home
  • how much drive is to create world class stuff
  • and the list goes on...
  • And here comes these flaky missiles and moon missions
Isnt it an irony? There are some countries where people have no rights whatsoever. There some countries where people have enough rights but they know their limits too. And there are countries like India where many many people have just no respect for the law or rules or whatever. These nuisance creating people need to be taught their place so that the souls working towards making India truly heaven on earth can be successful.

1 comment:

Pratik said...

wow..I can see that you have suddenly become an active blogger