Saturday, August 25, 2007

Saturday Afternoon

I guess this is nothing but a random rambling from the heart. Its the afternoon time. Nothing to do at home I came to work. As the stuff I am working on refuses to work correctly. So back to debugging and solving the issue. Its sunny outside with lots of activity. People are walking, doing bargains on the roadside, just phasing out into the sky and doing everything you can think of. I look through the window of my workplace. Just stepped out and it is truly pleasant outside. Bangalore is really pleasant. Except when it rains or except at 7:30 p.m in the evening. :-) I called my friends but no one is picking up. Damn it. Not feeling like working, I just went down to grab a cup of coffee. And that too tasted old . One thing I am waiting for though is 9:00 p.m tonight to see who got eliminated from Indian Idol. Yeah thats one thing I have hooked onto. After that Star Voice of India time . It has been raining since the last few days.

Life is beautiful with so many bounties
So many opportunities in its basket
I dream of so many things
I stare into the sky as I look into the future
Many a times we lose focus
And start complaining about the problems
But problems I feel are great lessons
To bring out new facets
I wanna be a scientist
No ! a musician
No! a poet
Oh No!! something else
Countless thoughts
Countless emotions
Countless dreams
I keep looking into the horizon
staring into the future
aspiring new heights
to leave my footprint
before I leave this world
and separate from life.

-- Sastry

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